C# Cognizant Handson Solutions

Age Calculation C# Cognizant Handson Solution

Famous Insurance company has a requirement to calculate the age of their customer based on the date of birth received as a string from the user.

Write a program that receives the customer date of birth in the format (dd-mm-yyyy).

Pass this value to a method, ‘calculateAge’ which returns the calculated age. Keep the method ‘static’.

Method to implement:

public static int calculateAge(string dateOfBirth)

Sample Input :

Enter the date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy): 22-10-1984

Sample Output:



using System.Linq;
using System;

namespace DateEx1
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy): ");
            var dobText = Console.ReadLine();
            var age = calculateAge(dobText);

        public static int calculateAge(string dateOfBirth)
            var timespan = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Parse(String.Join("-", dateOfBirth.Split("-").Reverse()));
            return timespan.Days / 365;

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