C# Cognizant Handson Solutions

CalculatorProgram C# Cognizant Handson Solution

Create a class called Calculator which contains methods for arithmetic operations such as Addition, Subtraction ,Multiplication and Division. Division method should return the Quotient and Remainder(hint:use out parameter).

Follow the method signatures as given below:

public int Addition(int a, int b)

public int Subtraction(int a, int b)

public int Multiplication(int a, int b)

public double Division(int a, int b, out double remainder).  //The method should  return the Quotient and Remainder  should be  passed through the out parameter.

The methods should return the appropriate result.

Create a class Program with Main Method . Prompt for 2 operands and operator from the user, Call the appropriate method for operation and display the results.


Don’t create any new namespace.

Create classes with pubic access specifier

Sample Input

Enter the operator


Enter the operands



Sample Output

Result of 12 + 10 is 22

Sample Input

Enter the operator


Enter the operands



Sample Output

Result of 11 / 2 is 5

Remainder =1

Sample Input

Enter the operator


Enter the operands



Sample Output

Invalid Operator


using System;

public class Calculator
    public int Addition(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

    public int Subtraction(int a, int b)
        return a - b;

    public int Multiplication(int a, int b)
        return a * b;

    public double Division(int a, int b, out double remainder)
        remainder = a % b;
        return Convert.ToInt32(a / b);

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Calculator c = new Calculator();

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the operator");
        char op = Console.ReadLine()[0];

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the operands");
        int num1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
        int num2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        switch (op)
            case '+':
                Console.WriteLine("Result of {0} {1} {2} is {3}", num1, op, num2, c.Addition(num1, num2));
            case '-':
                Console.WriteLine("Result of {0} {1} {2} is {3}", num1, op, num2, c.Subtraction(num1, num2));
            case '*':
                Console.WriteLine("Result of {0} {1} {2} is {3}", num1, op, num2, c.Multiplication(num1, num2));
            case '/':
                double remainder;
                Console.WriteLine("Result of {0} {1} {2} is {3}\nRemainder = {4}", num1, op, num2, c.Division(num1, num2, out remainder), remainder);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Operator");

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