C# Cognizant Handson Solutions

Find Square and Cube C# Handson Solution Cognizant

Write a C# Program to compute the square and Cube for a given  number.

Create the following methods.

  • Create a method FindSquare  that returns the square of the given number.

FindSquare method should accept a single parameter of type double  and return a double value

  •  Create a method FindCube that returns the cube of the given number.

FindCube method should accept a single parameter of type double  and return a double value

From the main method prompt the user to enter a number and display the square and cube of the number.

The method signature should be as below

static  < return type>  <FunctionName>  ( <data type>  parameter)

Sample Input

Enter a Number


Sample Output

Square of 4 is 16

Cube of 4 is 64


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Methods2               //DO NOT Change namespace name
    public class Program                //DO NOT Change class 'Program' name
        public static void Main(string[] args)        //DO NOT Change 'Main' method Signature
            //Implement your code here
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a Number");
            double number=Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
            double squarenumber=FindSquare(number);
            double cubenumber=FindCube(number);
            Console.WriteLine("Square of "+number+" is "+squarenumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Cube of "+number+" is "+cubenumber);

      //Implement methods here. Keep the method 'public' and 'static'
      static double FindSquare(double num){
          return num*num;
      static double FindCube(double num){
          return num*num*num;

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