C# Cognizant Handson Solutions

Flight Status C# Handson Solution Cognizant

AirFlight business which is into aviation has a requirement to show the flight status when the user enquirers based on the flight number as input. 

Write a program that receives flight number as input from the user. 

Various flight number and their departure time is given as a dictionary .

Write a method ‘flightStatus’ which receives the flight number and calculates the time left for departure (keep the method static). That is, from the current time, the time available for departure. For example, if the flight ‘Ar456’ is leaving at 18.00 and the current time is 10.00 the the time available is 08.00.

This method MUST return  a message => Time To Flight 08:00:17.0918529

If the current time is greater than the departure time then display ‘Flight Already Left’ message.

Method to implement:

public static string flightStatus(string flightNo)

Sample Input 1:

Enter the Flight Number :  ZW346

Sample Output 1:

Time To Flight 02:47:17.0918529

Sample Input 2:

Enter the Flight Number :  BR267

Sample Output 2:

Flight Already Left


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DateEx2
    public class Program
        static Dictionary<string, DateTime> flightSchedule = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(){
                                                        {"ZW346", Convert.ToDateTime("13:54:10")},
                                                        {"AT489", Convert.ToDateTime("16:30:00")},
                                                        {"BR267", Convert.ToDateTime("21:15:30")}};

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("Enter the Flight Number :\t");
            var flightNum = Console.ReadLine();



        public static string flightStatus(string flightNo)
            var departure = flightSchedule.GetValueOrDefault(flightNo);
            var timeLeft = departure - DateTime.Now;

            return timeLeft < new TimeSpan() ? "Flight Already Left" : $"Time To Flight {timeLeft}";

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