C# Cognizant Handson Solutions

MaxValueofSignedByte Handson Solution Cognizant

Leo has just started to learn about data types.  His first assignment is to find out the largest value that can be stored in a signed byte. 

Write a program to declare a variable named ‘number’ of type signed byte, initialize it to 125 and display it.

Change the value of number to the maximum value of a signed byte and display it as shown in the sample output.

Sample output

Value of number: 125

Largest value stored in a signed byte :   //print the answer.


using System;

public class Program      //DO NOT change the class name
    //implement code here
    static void Main(string[] args)
        sbyte number = 125;
        Console.WriteLine("Value of number: " + number);
        number = sbyte.MaxValue;
        Console.WriteLine("Largest value stored in a signed byte: " + number);


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