SQL Server Handson Programs Cognizant
In this post, we are going to cover all SQL queries that are asked under SQL Server Topic in Cognizant Solutions.
Microsoft SQL Server
1. Create table with Foreign Key constraint
2. Alter Supplier table with Check Constraint
ALTER TABLE Supplier ADD CONSTRAINT Suplier_Contact_Length CHECK ( LEN(conact)=10 ) GO
Subqueries and Joins
1. Worker and Admin Departments
SELECT D.deptname [Worker Department], D.Location, MD.deptname [Manager Department] FROM Department D JOIN Department MD ON D.admrdept = MD.deptno AND D.deptno != D.admrdept ORDER BY [Worker Department] GO
2. Employee with reporting manager
SELECT CONCAT(E.lastname, " works for ", M.lastname) [Hierarchy] FROM Employee E JOIN Department D ON E.workdept = D.deptno JOIN Employee M ON D.mgrno = M.empno AND E.empno != M.empno ORDER BY E.lastname GO
Functions and Stored Procedures
1. Procedure to display the Employees of a specific Department
CREATE PROC EmployeesDept(@DeptNo NVARCHAR(3)) AS BEGIN SELECT lastname [Name] FROM Employee WHERE workdept=@DeptNo END GO
2. Procedure to display all the Departments
CREATE PROCEDURE AvailableDepartments AS BEGIN SELECT deptname [Name] FROM Department END GO
3. Employees working in New York
SELECT E.firstname, E.lastname, E.salary FROM Employee E, Department D WHERE E.workdept = D.deptno AND D.location="New York" ORDER BY firstname GO
4. Employee Count per Department
CREATE PROC EmployeeCount @deptno NVARCHAR(20), @total_employees INT OUT AS BEGIN SELECT @total_employees = count(*) FROM employee WHERE workdept=@deptno END GO
Cursors and Triggers
1. Trigger – claims
CREATE trigger claim_audits ON claims AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN INSERT INTO claim_audit SELECT CT.first_name, SUM(C.amount_of_claim), 'Updated customer claimed amount' FROM claims C JOIN customer_policy CP ON C.customer_policy_id=CP.id JOIN customer CT ON CP.customer_id=CT.id WHERE C.customer_policy_id IN (SELECT customer_policy_id FROM inserted) GROUP BY CT.first_name END GO
2. Department records using cursors
-------- Creating Cursor------------- DECLARE dbcursor CURSOR FOR SELECT deptname, COUNT(*) FROM Employee E, Department D WHERE E.workdept=D.deptno GROUP BY deptname HAVING COUNT(workdept) > 1 ORDER BY deptname -------- Cursor Created------------- DECLARE @name NVARCHAR(36) DECLARE @count INT OPEN dbcursor FETCH NEXT FROM dbcursor INTO @name, @count WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN PRINT CONCAT(@name, ' department has ', @count, ' employees') FETCH NEXT FROM dbcursor INTO @name, @count END CLOSE dbcursor DEALLOCATE dbcursor GO
Implementing Error handling – Exceptions / try-catch
1. Create a Procedure delete_status
CREATE PROCEDURE delete_status @status_id INT AS BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM claims WHERE status_id=@status_id) BEGIN DELETE FROM [status] WHERE id=@status_id END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO [status_error_log] VALUES ('child records existing in claims table') END END GO